共找到 150 條與 結構模態 相關的標準,共 10 頁
Structural modal test methods
Modal analysis for spacecraft
Modal Test Method for Missile and Launch Vehicle
Technical specification for dynamic performance testing of building structures
Modal test methods and evaluation of railway passenger cars and EMUs
1 范圍 2 規范性引用文件 3 術語和定義 4 總體要求 5結構與尺寸 6要求 7 檢驗方法 8 檢驗規則 9 防護包裝、運輸與貯存、標志
Multimodal respirators
Surface (Ship) Air Missile Modal Test Regulations
Technical Specifications for Bridge Structural Health Informatization Monitoring
Test method for vibration performance of wooden floor slabs
Municipal bridge structure monitoring system standard
Measuring Method of Mode Shape Slope in Modal Test of Missile and Launch Vehicle
Municipal Bridge Structure Monitoring Technical Standards
Filling and release method of propellant simulation medium for modal test of missile and launch vehicle
現批準《建筑結構風振控制技術標準》為行業標準,編號為JGJ/T487-2020 ,自2020年11月1日起實施。 本標準在住房和城鄉建設部門戶網站(www.mohurd.gov.cn)公開,并由住房和城鄉建設部標準定額研究所組織中國建筑出版傳媒有限公司出版發行
Technical standard for wind vibration control of building structures
Lessons Learned ?Modal Testing: Measuring Dynamic Structural Characteristics
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頁面更新時間: 2025-03-31 22:40