DEvoc all voc
voc all voc, Total:83 items.
In the international standard classification, voc all voc involves: Environmental testing, Paints and varnishes, Air quality, Terminology (principles and coordination), Fuels, Road vehicle systems, Footwear.
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, voc all voc
SCC, voc all voc
- AWWA ACE95279 Operating Experiences at VOC Treatment Facilities
- MIL MIL-PRF-32405-2013 Cleaner, Hand Wipe, for Aviation and Missile Systems, Metallic Substrates, Low or Exempt VOC
- NS-EN ISO 17895:2005 Paints and varnishes — Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints (in-can VOC) (ISO 17895:2005)
- AWWA JAW26392 Journal AWWA — Removing VOCs by Membrane Stripping
- AENOR UNE-EN ISO 17895:2006 Paints and varnishes - Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints (in-can VOC) (ISO 17895:2005)
- AWWA MTC57646 Softening and VOC Removal with NF/RO Membranes
- DIN EN ISO 17895 E:2023 Draft Document - Paints and varnishes - Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) - Gas-chromatographic method with headspace injection for VOC determination (ISO/DIS 17895:2023); German and English version prEN ISO 17895:2023
- AWWA JAW71986 Journal AWWA — Vulnerability of Drinking Water Supply Wells to VOCs
- AWWA QTC98367 Ten Minute VOC Analyses Using the SPME-FASTGC Method
- AWWA WQTC58904 MTBE and Other VOCs in Source Waters of Community Water Systems
- AWWA JAW23580 Journal AWWA — Using GAC to Remove VOCs From Air Stripper Off-Gas
- AWWA JAW36129 Journal AWWA — Competitive Adsorption of VOCs and BOM: The Role of Molecular Oxygen
United States Navy, voc all voc
- NAVY QPL-32295-2012 Cleaner, Non-Aqueous, Low-Voc, Hap-Free
- NAVY QPL-32295 NOTICE 1-2009 Cleaner, Non-Aqueous, Low-Voc, Hap-Free
- NAVY QPL-32295-2013 Cleaner, Non-Aqueous, Low-Voc, Hap-Free
- NAVY QPL-32295-QPD-2011 Cleaner, Non-Aqueous, Low-Voc, Hap-Free
Association Francaise de Normalisation, voc all voc
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), voc all voc
- ISO 17895:2005 Paints and varnishes - Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints (in-can VOC)
- ISO/DIS 17895:1979 Paints and varnishes — Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) — Gas-chromatographic method with headspace injection for VOC determination
- ISO/FDIS 17895:2024 Paints and varnishes — Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) — Gas-chromatographic method with headspace injection for VOC determination
- ISO/DIS 11890-1:2023 Paints and varnishes — Determination of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and/or semi volatile organic compounds (SVOC) content — Part 1: Gravimetric method for VOC determination
- ISO 16000-29:2014 Indoor air - Part 29: Test methods for VOC detectors
- ISO 11890-1:2024 Paints and varnishes-Determination of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and/or semi volatile organic compounds (SVOC) content-Part 1: Gravimetric method for VOC determination
GSO, voc all voc
Lithuanian Standards Office , voc all voc
- LST EN ISO 17895:2005 Paints and varnishes - Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints (in-can VOC) (ISO 17895:2005)
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), voc all voc
- KS M ISO 17895:2016 Paints and varnishes-Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints(in-can VOC)
- KS M ISO 17895:2011 Paints and varnishes-Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints(in-can VOC)
- KS M ISO 17895:2021 Paints and varnishes — Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints(in-can VOC)
- KS M 5963-2008 Primer, alkyd, fast dry, corrosion inhibiting lead and chromate free, VOC compliant
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, voc all voc
- GB/T 23984-2009 Paints and varnishes.Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints(in-can VOC)
- GB/T 32367-2015 Rubber shoes.Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from whole shoe
- GB/T 37884-2019 Determination of volatile organic compound(VOC)emission from coating materials
KR-KS, voc all voc
- KS M ISO 17895-2021 Paints and varnishes — Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints(in-can VOC)
- KS M ISO 17895-2016 Paints and varnishes-Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints(in-can VOC)
German Institute for Standardization, voc all voc
- DIN EN ISO 17895 Berichtigung 1:2007 Paints and varnishes - Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints (in-can VOC) (ISO 17895:2005); German version EN ISO 17895:2005, Corrigenda to DIN EN ISO 17895:2005-06
- DIN EN ISO 17895:2005-06 Paints and varnishes - Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints (in-can VOC) (ISO 17895:2005); German version EN ISO 17895:2005 / Note: To be replaced by DIN EN ISO 17895 (2023-03) (in preparation).
- DIN ISO 16000-29:2015-02 Indoor air - Part 29: Test methods for VOC detectors (ISO 16000-29:2014)
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), voc all voc
- ASHRAE LO-09-089-2009 The Validation of a VOC Diffusion Sink Model Based on Full-Scale Chamber Test
- ASHRAE AT-01-13-1-2001 Correlations between the Internal Diffusion and Equilibrium Partition Coefficients of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Building Materials and the VOC Properties
British Standards Institution (BSI), voc all voc
- BS EN ISO 17895:2005 Paints and varnishes - Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints (in-can VOC)
- 23/30453566 DC BS EN ISO 17895. Paints and varnishes. Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC). Gas-chromatographic method with headspace injection for VOC determination
- BS ISO 16000-29:2014 Indoor air. Test methods for VOC detectors
- BS EN ISO 11890-1:2024 Paints and varnishes. Determination of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and/or semi volatile organic compounds (SVOC) content - Gravimetric method for VOC determination
- BS 10176:2020 Taking soil samples for determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Specification
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), voc all voc
- EN ISO 17895:2005 Paints and varnishes - Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints (in-can VOC)
- prEN ISO 17895 Paints and varnishes - Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) - Gas-chromatographic method with headspace injection for VOC determination (ISO/DIS 17895:2023)
AENOR, voc all voc
- UNE-EN ISO 17895:2006 Paints and varnishes - Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints (in-can VOC) (ISO 17895:2005)
API - American Petroleum Institute, voc all voc
TH-TISI, voc all voc
- TIS 2271-2006 Paints and varnishes.determination of the volatile organic compound content of low.voc emulsion paints (in.can voc)
ASHRAE - American Society of Heating@ Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers@ Inc., voc all voc
- ASHRAE AT-01-13-2001 Modeling and Measurement of VOC Emissions from Building Materials
- ASHRAE KC-03-11-4-2003 A New Mass Transfer Based Model of VOC Emissions from Building Materials
- ASHRAE 4356-2000 Measurements of VOC Adsorption/Desorption Characteristics of Typical Interior Building Materials (The Full Text of This Paper Can Be Found in the International Journal of Heating@ Ventilating@ Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research@ Volume 5@ Number
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), voc all voc
- ASTM D6266-00a Test Method for Determining the Amount of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Released From Waterborne Automotive Coatings and Available for Removal in a VOC Control Device (Abatement)
- ASTM D6266-00a(2005) Test Method for Determining the Amount of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Released From Waterborne Automotive Coatings and Available for Removal in a VOC Control Device (Abatement)
- ASTM D6266-00a(2023) Standard Test Method for Determining the Amount of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Released From Waterborne Automotive Coatings and Available for Removal in a VOC Control Device (Abatement)
- ASTM D6266-00a(2017) Standard Test Method for Determining the Amount of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Released From Waterborne Automotive Coatings and Available for Removal in a VOC Control Device (Abatement)
ISUZU - Isuzu Motors Ltd., voc all voc
海關總署, voc all voc
- SN/T 5346-2021 Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in Powder Coatings
(U.S.) Ford Automotive Standards, voc all voc
未注明發布機構, voc all voc
RU-GOST R, voc all voc
Professional Standard - Construction Industry, voc all voc
- JG/T 481-2015 Low volatile organic compound (VOC) water-based interior wall coating material