DEFatigue Properties of Plastics
Fatigue Properties of Plastics, Total:114 items.
In the international standard classification, Fatigue Properties of Plastics involves: Plastics, Raw materials for rubber and plastics, Construction materials, Reinforced plastics, Valves, Rubber, Medical equipment, Cellular materials, Tyres, Mechanical testing, Testing of metals.
未注明發布機構, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- ASTM D7774-12 Standard Test Method for Flexural Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- ASTM D7791-12 Standard Test Method for Uniaxial Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- ASTM D7791-22 Standard Test Method for Uniaxial Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- ASTM D7774-22 Standard Test Method for Flexural Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- ASTM D7774-11 Standard Test Method for Flexural Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- ASTM D7791-17 Standard Test Method for Uniaxial Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- ASTM D7774-17 Standard Test Method for Flexural Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- ASTM D6588/D6588M-10a Standard Test Method for Fatigue of Tire Cords (Disc Fatigue Test)
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- KS M 3058-2012(2017) General rules for testing fatigue of rigid plastics
- KS M ISO 13003-2022 Fibre-reinforced plastics-Determination of fatigue properties under cyclic loading conditions
- KS M ISO 13003-2012(2017) Fibre-reinforced plastics-Determination of fatigue properties under cyclic loading conditions
- KS M ISO 13003-2012(2022) Fibre-reinforced plastics-Determination of fatigue properties under cyclic loading conditions
- KS M 3058-1982 General rules for testing fatigue of rigid plastics
- KS M 3058-2012(2022) General rules for testing fatigue of rigid plastics
- KS M 3058-2012 General rules for testing fatigue of rigid plastics
- KS M 6675-1985 Testing methods for fatigue properties of rubber materials for vibration isolators
- KS M 6675-2011 Testing methods for fatigue properties of rubber materials for vibration isolators
- KS M 3058-2022 General rules for testing fatigue of rigid plastics
- KS M ISO 13003:2012 Fibre-reinforced plastics-Determination of fatigue properties under cyclic loading conditions
- KS M 3036-2011 Testing method of flexural fatigue of rigid plastics by plane bending
- KS M 6675-2016(2021) Testing methods for fatigue properties of rubber materials for vibration isolators
- KS M 6675-2016 Testing methods for fatigue properties of rubber materials for vibration isolators
- KS M 6675-2021 Testing methods for fatigue properties of rubber materials for vibration isolators
- KS B ISO 12108-2004(2019) Metallic materials-Fatigue testing-Fatigue crack growth method
- KS B ISO 12108-2019 Metallic materials-Fatigue testing-Fatigue crack growth method
- KS M ISO 15850-2017(2022) Plastics-Determination of tension-tension fatigue crack propagation-Linear elastic fracture mechanics(LEFM) approach
- KS B ISO 12108:2004 Metallic materials-Fatigue testing-Fatigue crack growth method
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Fatigue Properties of Plastics
CZ-CSN, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- JIS K 7118:1995 General rules for testing fatigue of rigid plastics
- JIS T 0309:2009 Test method for fatigue properties of metallic biomaterials
- JIS K 6270:2018 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastics -- Determination of tension fatigue (Constant strain method)
- JIS K 6270:2001 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastics -- Determination of tension fatigue -- Constant strain method
- JIS K 7119:1972 Testing method of flexural fatigue of rigid plastics by plane bending
GSO, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
British Standards Institution (BSI), Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- BS EN ISO 8659:2020 Thermoplastics valves. Fatigue strength. Test method
- BS ISO 13003:2003 Fibre-reinforced plastics. Determination of fatigue properties under cyclic loading conditions
- BS EN 28659:1992 Thermoplastics valves - Fatigue strength - Test method
- BS ISO 13003:2004 Fibre-reinforced plastics - Determination of fatigue properties under cyclic loading conditions
- 19/30376356 DC BS EN ISO 8659. Thermoplastics valves. Fatigue strength. Test method
- BS ISO 12108:2018 Metallic materials. Fatigue testing. Fatigue crack growth method
- BS ISO 12108:2012 Metallic materials. Fatigue testing. Fatigue crack growth method
SCC, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
German Institute for Standardization, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- DIN EN ISO 8659:2020-07 Thermoplastics valves - Fatigue strength - Test method (ISO 8659:2020); German version EN ISO 8659:2020
- DIN EN 28659:1991 Thermoplastic valves; fatigue strength; test method (ISO 8659:1989); german version EN 28659:1990
- DIN EN ISO 8659:2020 Thermoplastics valves - Fatigue strength - Test method (ISO 8659:2020)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- ISO 8659:1989 Thermoplastics valves; fatigue strength; test method
- ISO 8659:2020 Thermoplastics valves — Fatigue strength — Test method
- ISO 13003:2003 Fibre-reinforced plastics - Determination of fatigue properties under cyclic loading conditions
- ISO 12108:2018 Metallic materials - Fatigue testing - Fatigue crack growth method
- ISO 12108:2002 Metallic materials - Fatigue testing - Fatigue crack growth method
- ISO/TR 12112:2018 Metallic materials — Principles and designs for multiaxial fatigue testing
- ISO 12108:2012 Metallic materials - Fatigue testing - Fatigue crack growth method
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- NF T54-084*NF EN ISO 8659:2020 Thermoplastics valves - Fatigue strength - Test method
- NF EN ISO 8659:2020 Valves made of thermoplastic materials - Fatigue resistance - Test method
- NF T51-120-4:1995 Plastiques et composites - Détermination des propriétés de fatigue en flexion - Partie 4 : essai en flexion quatre points sur éprouvettes non encastrées.
- NF T51-120-5:1995 Plastiques et composites - Détermination des propriétés de fatigue en flexion - - Partie 5 : essai en flexion à moment constant.
- NF P98-233-1:1994 Tests relating to pavements. Determination of fatigue resistance on material bound with hydraulic binders. Part 1 : flexural fatigue test with constant stress.
- NF T56-114:1985 Plastics. Flexible cellular plastics. Dynamic fatigue test through repeated compressions at fixed deformation.
- NF T51-120-2:1995 Plastiques et composites - Détermination des propriétés de fatigue en flexion - Partie 2 : essai en flexion sur éprouvettes encastrées.
- NF T51-120-1:1995 Plastiques et composites - Détermination des propriétés de fatigue en flexion - - Partie 1 : principes généraux.
ES-UNE, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- EN ISO 8659:2020 Thermoplastics valves - Fatigue strength - Test method (ISO 8659:2020)
- EN 28659:1990 Thermoplastics Valves - Fatigue Strength - Test Method
BE-NBN, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- GB/T 16779-2008 Test method for tension-tension fatigue of fibre reinforced plastic laminates
- GB/T 16779-1997 Test method for tension--tension fatigue of fiber reinforced plastic laminates
- GB/T 41933-2022 Plastics—Determination of tension-tension fatigue crack propagation—Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) approach
Professional Standard - Building Materials, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- JC/T 349-1983 Fiberglass reinforced plastics. Test method of tension fatigue resistance
AT-ON, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
工業和信息化部, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- YS/T 1251-2018 Determination of fatigue properties of sintered metallic porous materials
國家市場監督管理總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- GB/T 35465.5-2020 Test method for fatigue properties of polymer matrix composite materials—Part 5: Flexural fatigue
- GB/T 35465.4-2020 Test method for fatigue properties of polymer matrix composite materials—Part 4: Tension-compression fatigue and compression-compression fatigue
- GB/T 35465.6-2020 Test method for fatigue properties of polymer matrix composite materials—Part 6:Fatige properties of adhesives in shear by tension
Professional Standard - Light Industry, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- QB/T 2819-2006 Flexible cellular materials determination of long time fatigue
Lithuanian Standards Office , Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- LST EN 28659-2001 Thermoplastics valves - Fatigue strength - Test method (ISO 8659:1989)
中華人民共和國國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- GB/T 35465.3-2017 Test method for fatigue properties of polymer matrix composite materials -Part 3: Tension-tension fatigue
- GB/T 6398-2017 Metallic materials—Fatigue testing—Fatigue crack growth method
WRC - Welding Research Council, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
AENOR, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
RU-GOST R, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- GOST 20990-1975 Flexible cellular foams. Method for determination of fatigne at cyclic compression
- GOST 20990-2017 Cellular flexible plastics. Method for determination of fatigne at cyclic compression
- GOST 34256-2017 Plastics. Determination of propagation of fatigue crack in tension by the method of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM)
Professional Standard - Machinery, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- JB/T 6543-1993 Plane bending fatigue characteristic of hard plastic sheet - Test method
工業和信息化部/國家能源局, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- JB/T 13226-2017 In-situ fatigue mechanical properties testing system for solid materials
TH-TISI, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- TIS 2181-2004 Fatigue crack growth method for metallic materials [iso title: metallic materials.fatigue testing.fatigue crack grouwth method]
BELST, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- STB 1758-2007 Tribo-fatigue. Method of combined tests of the toothed gearing materials to contact and bending fatigue
API - American Petroleum Institute, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- API REPORT 87-48-1987 Fatigue of Selected High Strength Steels in Sea Water - A Compilation of Material Properties
SAE - SAE International, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- SAE J388-1998 Dynamic Flex Fatigue Test for Slab Polyurethane Foam
- SAE J388-1969 Dynamic Flex Fatigue Test for Slab Polyurethane Foam
SE-SIS, Fatigue Properties of Plastics
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Fatigue Properties of Plastics
- ANSI/ASTM D671:1990 Test Method for Flexural Fatigue of Plastics by Constant-Amplitude-of-Force (08.01)