DEtest method test ta
test method test ta, Total:97 items.
In the international standard classification, test method test ta involves: Environmental testing, Electrical engineering in general, Electrical and electronic testing, Welding, brazing and soldering, Electronic component assemblies, Electronic components in general, Test conditions and procedures in general, Organic chemicals, Elements of buildings, Testing of metals, Paints and varnishes, Footwear, Internal combustion engines, Pumps, Construction materials, Company organization and management, Components and accessories for telecommunications equipment, Protection against fire.
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, test method test ta
- GB/T 2423.32-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products.Part 2:Test methods.Test Ta:Solderability test by the wetting balance method
- GB/T 2423.21-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products.Part 2 Test methods Test M:Low air pressure
- GB/T 2423.20-2014 Environmental testing.Part 2: Test methods.Test Kd: Hydrogen sulphide test for contacts and connections
- GB/T 2423.19-2013 Environmental testing.Part 2:Test methods.Test Kc:Sulphur dioxide test for contacts and connections
- GB/T 2423.55-2023 Environmental testing Part 2: Test methods Test Eh: Hammer test
- GB/T 2423.54-2022 Environmental testing—Part 2: Test methods—Test Xc: Fluid contamination
- GB/T 2423.45-2012 Environmental testing.Part 2:Test methods.Test Z/ABDM:Climatic sequence
- GB/T 2423.34-2012 Environmental testing.Part 2:Test methods.Test Z/AD:Composite temperature/humidity cyclic test
- GB/T 2423.50-2012 Environmental testing.Part 2:Test methods.Test Cy:Damp heat, steady state, accelerated test primarily intended for components
- GB/T 2423.18-2012 Environmental testing.Part 2:Test methods.Test Kb:Salt mist,cyclic(sodium chloride solution)
- GB/T 2423.51-2012 Environmental testing.Part 2:Test methods.Test Ke:Flowing mixed gas corrosion test
- GB/T 2423.2-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products.Part 2:Test methods.Tests B:Dry heat
- GB/T 2424.17-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products.Part 2:Test methods Guidance on test T:Soldering test
- GB/T 2423.16-2022 Environmental testing—Part 2: Test methods—Test J and guidance: Mould growth
- GB/T 2423.24-2013 Enviromental testing.Part 2:Test methods.Test Sa:Simulated solar radiation at ground level and guidance for solar radiation testing
- GB/T 2423.40-2013 Environmental testing.Part 2:Test methods.Test Cx:Damp heat, steady state(unsaturated pressurized vapour)
- GB/T 2423.27-2020 Environmental testing—Part 2: Test methods—Test method and guidance: Combined temperature or temperature and humidity with low air pressure tests
- GB/T 2423.16-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products.Part 2:Test methods.Test J and guidance:Mould growth
- GB/T 2423.59-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products.Part 2:Test methods.Test Z/ABMFh:Combined temperature(cold and heat)/low air pressure/vibration(random)
- GB/T 14096-2008 Testing method for fuel injection pump test-stand
- GB/T 14096-1993 Method for testing fuel injection pump test-stand
Standard Association of Australia (SAA), test method test ta
- AS 60068.2.54:2004 Environmental testing - Tests - Test Ta: Soldering - Solderability testing by the wetting balance method
- AS 4420.2:1996 Windows - Methods of test - Deflection test
- AS 4420.1:1996 Windows - Methods of test - Test sample, preparation for tests, and test sequence
中華人民共和國國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, test method test ta
- GB/T 2423.3-2016 Environmental testing—Part 2:Testing method—Test Cab:Damp heat,steady state
國家市場監督管理總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, test method test ta
- GB/T 2423.33-2021 Environmental testing—Part 2: Test methods—Test Kca: High concentration sulfur dioxid
- GB/T 2423.51-2020 Environmental testing—Part 2: Test methods—Test Ke: Flowing mixed gas corrosion test
- GB/T 41104.3-2021 Solder wire, solid and flux cored—Specifications and test methods—Part 3:Wetting balance test method for flux cored solder wire efficacy
- GB/T 2423.38-2021 Environmental testing—Part 2:Test methods—Test R:Water test method and guidance
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization(CENELEC), test method test ta
- HD 323.2.54-1987 Basic Environmental Testing Procedures Part 2: Tests Test TA: Soldering, Solderability Testing by the Wetting Balance Method
- EN IEC 60068-2-20:2021 Environmental testing - Part 2-20: Tests - Test Ta and Tb: Test methods for solderability and resistance to soldering heat of devices with leads
RO-ASRO, test method test ta
- STAS 8393/15-1989 Basic environmental testing procedures SOLDERING Ta, Tb and Tc test methods
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), test method test ta
- KS C 0236-1994(2014) Basic environmental testing procedures Test Ta:Soldering Solderability testing by the wetting balance method
- KS C IEC 60068-2-20:2022 Environmental testing — Part 2-20: Tests — Tests Ta and Tb: Test methods for solderability and resistance to soldering heat of devices with leads
- KS C IEC 60068-2-54-2015(2020) Environmental testing-Part 2-54:Tests-Test Ta:Solderability testing of electronic components by the wetting balance method
- KS C IEC 60068-2-54:2007 Environmental testing-Part 2-54:Tests-Test Ta:Solderability testing of electronic components by the wetting balance method
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), test method test ta
- IEC 60068-2-54:1985 Environmental testing. Part 2: Tests. Test TA: Soldering. Solderability testing by the wetting balance method
- IEC 60068-2-20:2021 Environmental testing - Part 2-20: Tests - Tests Ta and Tb: Test methods for solderability and resistance to soldering heat of devices with leads
- IEC 60068-2-20:2021 RLV Environmental testing - Part 2-20: Tests - Test Ta and Tb: Test methods for solderability and resistance to soldering heat of devices with leads
- IEC 60068-2-54:2006 Environmental testing - Part 2-54: Tests - Test Ta: Solderability testing of electronic components by the wetting balance method
RU-GOST R, test method test ta
- GOST 28235-1989 Basic environmental testing procedures. Part 2. Tests. Test Ta: Soldering. Solderability testing by the wetting balance method
- GOST R IEC 60068-2-54-2017 Environmental testing. Part 2-54. Test Ta: Solderability testing of electronic components by the wetting balance method
Association Francaise de Normalisation, test method test ta
YU-JUS, test method test ta
- JUS N.A5.781-1994 Basic environmental testing procedures - Test Ta:Soldering - Solderability testing by the wetting balance method
- JUS B.B8.015-1984 Wear test. Grinding wheel method
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), test method test ta
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), test method test ta
- HD 323.2.54 S1-1987 Basic environmental testing procedures; part 2: tests; test Ta: soldering; solderability testing by the wetting balance method
- EN ISO 20877:2011 Footwear - Test methods for whole shoe - Thermal insulation (ISO 20877:2011)
KR-KS, test method test ta
- KS C IEC 60068-2-20-2022 Environmental testing — Part 2-20: Tests — Tests Ta and Tb: Test methods for solderability and resistance to soldering heat of devices with leads
SCC, test method test ta
- CEI EN IEC 60068-2-20:2022 Environmental testing Part 2-20: Tests - Test Ta and Tb: Test methods for solderability and resistance to soldering heat of devices with leads
- DIN EN IEC 60068-2-20:2022 Environmental testing - Part 2-20: Tests - Test Ta and Tb: Test methods for solderability and resistance to soldering heat of devices with leads (IEC 60068-2-20:2021); German version EN IEC 60068-2-20:2021
- BS 3900-E2:1966 Methods of test for paints. Methods of test for paints. Scratch test
- BS 3900-E2:1970 Methods of test for paints. Methods of test for paints-Scratch test
- BS EN 60695-2-2:1995 Fire hazard testing. Test methods-Needle-flame test
- AS/NZS 4266.11:1995 Reconstituted wood-based panels - Methods of test, Method 11: Wet cyclic test (V313 test)
- BS 3900-E4:1969 Methods of tests for paints; cupping test
- BS EN 60695-2-1/0:1997 Fire hazard testing. Test methods-Glow-wire test methods. General
- BS 5173-6:1977 Methods of test for hoses-Environmental tests
- BS 4550-2:1970 Methods of testing cement-Chemical tests
Danish Standards Foundation, test method test ta
- DS/IEC 68-2-54:1986 Basic environmental testing procedures. Part 2: Tests. Test Ta: Soldering. Solderability testing by the wetting balance method
British Standards Institution (BSI), test method test ta
German Institute for Standardization, test method test ta
- DIN EN 60068-2-54:2007 Environmental testing - Part 2-54: Tests - Test Ta: Solderability testing of electronic components by the wetting balance method (IEC 60068-2-54:2006); German version EN 60068-2-54:2006
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), test method test ta
- ASTM D8031-16(2024) Standard Test Method for Acid Number of Terephthalic Acid (TA) by Automatic Potentiometric Titration
- ASTM D8031-16 Standard Test Method for Acid Number of Terephthalic Acid (TA) by Automatic Potentiometric Titration
- ASTM E2164-24a Standard Test Method for Directional Difference Test
- ASTM E2139-05 Standard Test Method for Same-Different Test
BE-NBN, test method test ta
Professional Standard - Chemical Industry, test method test ta
- HG/T 4089~4093-2022 Plastic lining equipment hydrostatic test method, electric spark test method, temperature resistance test method, thermal expansion and contraction test method and lining negative pressure test method (2022)
HU-MSZT, test method test ta
Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, test method test ta
未注明發布機構, test method test ta