DEPerformance Infrared Detectors
Performance Infrared Detectors, Total:50 items.
In the international standard classification, Performance Infrared Detectors involves: Protection against fire, Electronic components in general, Optoelectronics. Laser equipment, Protection against crime, Construction materials, Testing of metals, Nuclear energy engineering, Electrical accessories, Semiconducting materials, Alarm and warning systems.
工業和信息化部, Performance Infrared Detectors
- JC/T 2545-2019 Pyroelectric single crystal for high-performance infrared detectors
- JC/T 439-2021 Zinc sulfide crystals for infrared detector windows
- JC/T 2397-2017 Pyroelectric ceramics for uncooled infrared detectors
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Performance Infrared Detectors
- GB 15631-1995 Performance requirements and test methods for point infrared flame detectors
- GB/T 13583-1992 Outline dimension series of infrared detectors
- GB 10408.5-1989 Passive infrared intrusion detectors
- GB 10408.4-1989 Active infrared intrusion detectors
- GB/T 13584-1992 Measuring methods for parameters of infrared detectors
- GB/T 13584-2011 Measuring methods for paramaters of infrared detectors
- GB 10408.4-2000 Detectors for intruder alarm systems. Part 4: Active infrared intrusion detectors
- GB/T 15430-1995 Envionmental testing methods for infrared detectors
- GB 10408.5-2000 Detectors for intruder alarm systems. Part 5: Passive infra-red detectors for use in buildings
- GB 10408.6-2009 Combination Microwave and Passive Infrared Intrusion Detector
- GB 10408.6-2009 Combination Microwave and Passive Infrared Intrusion Detector
- GB 10408.6-2009 Combination Microwave and Passive Infrared Intrusion Detector
- GB 10408.6-1991 Combination microwave and passive infrared intrusion detector
- GB 10408.6-2009 Combination Microwave and Passive Infrared Intrusion Detector
- GB 10408.6-2009 Combination Microwave and Passive Infrared Intrusion Detector
- GB/T 44299-2024 Measurement methods and declarations of detector range Passive infrared detectors for large and small motion detection
- GB 10408.7-1996 Combination ultrasonic & passive infrared intrusion detector
Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, Performance Infrared Detectors
- GJB 10187-2021 Infrared detector terminology
- GJB 1206-1991 General Specification for Infrared Detectors
- GJB 1788-1993 Infrared detector test method
- GJB 1866-1994 Specification for mercury cadmium telluride wafers for infrared detectors
- GJB 2345-1995 Specification for cooled mercury cadmium telluride infrared detectors
- GJB 2368-1995 Specification for cooled lead sulfide infrared detectors
- GJB 2906-1997 Specification for room temperature lead sulfide infrared detectors
- GJB 1785-1993 Test method for mercury cadmium telluride wafers for infrared detectors
- GJB 2452-1995 Specification for cadmium telluride single crystal wafers for infrared detectors
- GJB 9146-2017 General specification for uncooled infrared focal plane detectors
- GJB 2652-1996 Specification for single crystal cadmium zinc telluride materials for infrared detectors
- GJB 2652A-2004 Specification for single crystal cadmium zinc telluride materials for infrared detectors
Professional Standard - Electron, Performance Infrared Detectors
- SJ 20387-1993 Test methods for property of sapphire window for use in infrared detector
- SJ 20388A-2016 Specification for sapphire window for infrared detector
- SJ 20388-1993 Specification for sapphire window for use in infrared detector
- SJ 20437-1994 Specification for lead tin telluride slice for use in infrared detector
- SJ 20641-1997 Specification for indium antimonide single crystals for used in infrared detector
- SJ 20438-1994 Methods for measurement of lead tin telluride slice for use in infrared detector
- SJ 20640-1997 Specification for indium antimonide single crystal slices for use in infrared detector
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Performance Infrared Detectors
- T/CFPA 027-2023 Infrared Thermography Heat Fire Detector
- T/CSTM 00424-2023 Non-destructive testing — Steel products—Characterization and verification of automatic infrared thermography flaw detector
Professional Standard - Building Materials, Performance Infrared Detectors
- JC/T 439-1991 Zinc sulfide crystal intended to be used in the window of infrared detectors
Professional Standard - Aerospace, Performance Infrared Detectors
- QJ 2333-1992 Technical specifications for 42-element lead sulphide infrared detectors
- QJ 1925-1990 233K photoconductive indium antimonide infrared detector technical conditions
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Performance Infrared Detectors
- IEC 63180:2020 Methods of measurement and declaration of the detection range of detectors - Passive infrared detectors for major and minor motion detection
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Performance Infrared Detectors
- NF EN IEC 63180:2020 Measuring methods and qualification of detector detection range - Passive infrared detectors for detecting high and low amplitude movements
Xinjiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Performance Infrared Detectors
- DB65/T 3486-2013 Infrared flaw detection method for solar-grade polysilicon block
Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Performance Infrared Detectors
- UNE-EN IEC 63180:2021 Methods of measurement and declaration of the detection range of detectors - Passive infrared detectors for major and minor motion detection
British Standards Institution (BSI), Performance Infrared Detectors
- BS EN 50131-2-2:2008 Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Intrusion detectors - Passive infrared detectors
SCC, Performance Infrared Detectors
- CEI EN IEC 63180:2021 Methods of measurement and declaration of the detection range of detectors - Passive infrared detectors for major and minor motion detection