DEDefinition of inspection
Definition of inspection, Total:190 items.
In the international standard classification, Definition of inspection involves: Vocabularies, Non-destructive testing, Electrical wires and cables, Fasteners, Air quality, Horology, Reinforced plastics, Sensory analysis, Textile machinery, Refrigerating technology, Laboratory medicine, Laundry appliances, Insulating fluids, Medical sciences and health care facilities in general, Aerospace engines and propulsion systems, Bearings, Metrology and measurement in general, Farming and forestry, Analytical chemistry, Machine tools, Test conditions and procedures in general, Acoustics and acoustic measurements, Construction equipment, Road engineering, Quality, Applications of information technology, Materials for aerospace construction, Food products in general, Information sciences. Publishing, Elements of buildings, Road vehicle systems, Electronic components in general, Languages used in information technology, Audio, video and audiovisual engineering, Electrical and electronic testing, Photography.
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Definition of inspection
European Association of Aerospace Industries, Definition of inspection
- AECMA PREN 2242-1991 Aerospace Series Control of Tools Used for Crimping of Electric Cables with Conductors Defined by EN 2083 and EN 2346 Issue P 1
- AECMA PREN 2078-1982 Manufacturing Schedule - Inspection Schedule and Inspection Report - General Definitions Aerospace Series
- AECMA PREN 2078-1997 Aerospace Series Metallic Materials Manufacturing Schedule, Inspection Schedule, Inspection and Test Report Definition, General Principles, Preparation and Approval Edition 2
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Definition of inspection
- NF G45-011:1984 Dry cleaning equipment. Definitions and checking of characteristics specific ot a closed-circuit dry-cleaning machine.
- NF E02-200:1994 Inspection of tolerances of plain workpieces. Limit gauges. General, definitions, control, use.
- NF P98-730:1992 Road construction and maintenance equipment. Ciment concrete plant. Definition of plant types and tests for adjustment checking.
- NF A09-252-1:2003 Non-destructive testing - Qualification of radiographic film digitisation systems - Part 1: definitions, quantitative measurements of image quality parameters, standard reference film and qualitative control.
NL-NEN, Definition of inspection
- NEN 3550-1979 Cement Definitions, requirements and inspection
- NEN 5180-1990 Quarry stone- Definitions, requirements and inspection
- NEN 3550-1986 Supplement to NEN 3550 Cement- Definitions, requirements and inspection
- NEN 3532-1993 Admixtures for mortar and concrete. Definitions, requirements and inspection
- NEN 3901-1982 Bitumen and tar products General part: terms, definitions and rules for inspection
HU-MSZT, Definition of inspection
German Institute for Standardization, Definition of inspection
- DIN 8310:1984 Water resistance of watches; definition, requirements, testing
- DIN 53290:1973 Testing of sandwiches; definitions of terms
- DIN 53290:1982 Testing of sandwiches; definitions of terms
- DIN 8308:1981 Shock protection of watches; definition, requirements, testing
- DIN 8942:1995 Refrigerating unit system - Definitions, testing, marking
- DIN 53483-1:1969 Testing of Insulating Materials; Determination of Dielectric Properties; Definitions, General Information
- DIN 50100:1978 Testing of Materials; Continuous Vibration Test; Definitions, Symbols, Procedure, Evaluation
- DIN 54190-3:2006 Non-destructive testing - Thermografic testing - Part 3: Terms and definitions
- DIN 8980:1986 Heat-recovery by refrigerated farm milk tanks; definitions, requirements, testing
- DIN EN 16714-3 E:2014-09 Non-destructive testing - Thermographic testing - Part 3: Terms and definitions
- DIN EN 607:2005 Eaves gutters and fittings made of PVC-U - Definitions, requirements and testing; German version EN 607:2004
GSO, Definition of inspection
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Definition of inspection
- ISO/TS 18173:2005 Non-destructive testing - General terms and definitions
- ISO 8232:1988 Closed-circuit dry-cleaning machines; defining and checking of machine characteristics
- ISO 12308:2017 Plain bearings - Quality assurance of sample types - Definitions, applications and testing
- ISO 12308:1994 Plain bearings; quality assurance; sample types; definitions, applications and testing
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Definition of inspection
RU-GOST R, Definition of inspection
SCC, Definition of inspection
- MIL MIL-STD-849C-2009 Inspection Requirements, Definitions and Classification of Defects for Parachutes
- MIL MIL-STD-849D-2019 Inspection Requirements, Definitions and Classification of Defects for Parachutes
- BS PD ISO/TS 22247:2022 Optics and photonics. Effective numerical aperture of laser lenses. Definition and verification procedure
- DANSK DS/ISO 8232:2011 Closed-circuit dry-cleaning machines - Defining and checking of machine characteristics
KR-KS, Definition of inspection
國家市場監督管理總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, Definition of inspection
- GB/T 39367.1-2020 In vitro diagnostic test systems—Qualitative nucleic acid-based in vitro examination procedures for detection and identification of microbial pathogens—Part 1: General requirements, terms and definitions
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Definition of inspection
- GB/T 43010-2023 Definition of closed dry cleaning machines and inspection of machine characteristics
- GB/T 42233-2022 Rapid detection—Terms and definitions
- GB/T 4028-2013 Symbolization of control positions for timekeeping instruments
- GB/T 5501-2008 Inspection of grain and oils.Determination of fresh sweet potato
- GB/T 20737-2006 Non-destructive testing-General terms and definitions
- GB/T 5500-2008 Inspection of grain and oils.Determination of sound matter yield of sweet potato flakes
British Standards Institution (BSI), Definition of inspection
- BS EN 16714-3:2016 Non-destructive testing. Thermographic testing. Terms and definitions
- BS ISO 12308:2017 Plain bearings. Quality assurance of sample types. Definitions, applications and testing
- BS ISO 11843-1:2000 Capability of detection - Terms and definitions
- BS ISO 11843-1:1997 Capability of detection - Terms and definitions
- BS ISO/IEC 19757-3:2016 Information technology. Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL). Rule-based validation. Schematron
- BS ISO/IEC 19757-3:2006 Information technology - Document schema definition languages (DSDL) - Rule-based validation - Schematron
- BS 8723-1:2005 Structured vocabularies for information retrieval - Guide - Definitions, symbols and abbreviations
Lithuanian Standards Office , Definition of inspection
- LST 1320-1993 Quality assurance in laboratory medicine. Basic terms and definitions
- LST EN 2078-2002 Aerospace series - Metallic materials - Manufacturing schedule, inspection schedule, inspection and test report - Definition, general principles, preparation and approval
IT-UNI, Definition of inspection
- UNSIDER 7-1955 Quality inspection. General statistical terms and definitions
- UNI 7521-1976 External door and window testing. Terms and definitions regarding testing and performance testing
- UNI 1075-1077-1940 Water meter, turbine meter, capacity meter. definition. Require. Accuracy inspection and control test
GOSTR, Definition of inspection
PT-IPQ, Definition of inspection
- NP 3148-1988 Fish and fish products Minced frozen fishery. Definitions, preparation, characteristics and conditioning
- NP 3149-1988 Fish and fish products Frozen blocks of fish fillets and minced fish. Definitions, characteristics and way of presentation
Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, Definition of inspection
- SN/T 2298.1-2009 General Standards for Inspection and Quarantine of Imported Solid Waste as Raw Materials Part 1: Terms and Definitions
ASD-STAN - Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe - Standardization, Definition of inspection
- PREN 2078-1982 Manufacturing Schedule - Inspection Schedule and Inspection Report - General Definitions Aerospace Series
US-CFR-file, Definition of inspection
- CFR 46-71.50-1-2014 Shipping. Part71:Inspection and certification. Section71.50–1:Definitions relating to hull examinations.
- CFR 9-381.1-2014 Animals and animal products. Part381:Poultry products inspection regulations. SubpartA:Definitions. Section381.1:Definitions.
PL-PKN, Definition of inspection
- PN M70052-1974 Non-destructive testing Penetrant flaw detection Terms and definitions
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Definition of inspection
- EN 16714-3:2016 Non-destructive testing - Thermographic testing - Part 3: Terms and definitions
- EN 607:2004 Eaves Gutters and Fittings Made of PVC-U - Definitions@ Requirements and Testing
- EN 607:1995 Eaves Gutters and Fittings Made of PVC-U - Definitions, Requirements and Testing
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Definition of inspection
- STANAG 4110-1969 Definitions of Pressure for Use in the Design and Proof of Guns and Ammunition (ED 1 AMD 1)
Standard Association of Australia (SAA), Definition of inspection
CZ-CSN, Definition of inspection
RO-ASRO, Definition of inspection
- STAS SR EN 27574-1-1994 Acoustics - Statistical methods for determining and verifying stated noise emission values of machinery and equipment- Part 1: General considerations and definitions
AT-ON, Definition of inspection
- ONORM A 2170-1995 Satchels - Terms and definitions, requirements and test specifications - Marking of conformity
GOST, Definition of inspection
South African Bureau of Standard, Definition of inspection
Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD), Definition of inspection
- ASD-STAN PREN 2078-1997 Aerospace Series Metallic Materials Manufacturing Schedule, Inspection Schedule, Inspection and Test Report Definition, General Principles, Preparation and Approval (Edition 2)
Danish Standards Foundation, Definition of inspection
- DS/EN 2078:2002 Aerospace series - Metallic materials - Manufacturing schedule, inspection schedule, inspection and test report - Definition, general principles, preparation and approval
- DS/ISO 8232:2011 Closed-circuit dry-cleaning machines - Defining and checking of machine characteristics
IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force, Definition of inspection
- RFC 7330-2014 Definitions of Textual Conventions (TCs) for Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) Management
CU-NC, Definition of inspection
- NC 70-12-1984 Agriculture. Vegetable Quarantine Terms and Definitions
Qinghai Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Definition of inspection
- DB63/T 2301-2024 Specification for the expression of inspection and testing capabilities for the qualification certification of inspection and testing institutions
Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Definition of inspection
- UNE 58916:2001 Storage and retrieval machines. Terminology. Definitions.
Indonesia Standards, Definition of inspection
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Definition of inspection
Professional Standard - Public Safety Standards, Definition of inspection
- GA/T 642-2020 Technical inspection and appraisal for safety performance of vehicles involved in road traffic accidents
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Definition of inspection
Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Definition of inspection
- CNS 10693-1994 Method of Test for Land Mobile Communication FM or PM Receiver, 25-947MHZ(Definition and Test Condition)
Defense Logistics Agency, Definition of inspection