






.Secondary Electron Detector

.Secondary Electron Detector, Total:52 items.

In the international standard classification, .Secondary Electron Detector involves: Optics and optical measurements, Electrical accessories, Galvanic cells and batteries, Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology, Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements, Radiation measurements, Nuclear energy engineering, Integrated circuits. Microelectronics, Conducting materials, Measurement of fluid flow, Road vehicle systems, Semiconductor devices, Natural gas, Aerospace electric equipment and systems.

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • GB/T 28873-2012 General guide of environmental scanning electron microscopy for biological effectes on topography induced by nanoparticles
  • GB/T 5201-1994 Test procedures for semiconductor charged particle detectors
  • GB/T 23729-2009 Photodiodes for scintillation detectors.Test procedures
  • GB/T 5201-2012 Test procedures for semiconductor charged particle detectors

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), .Secondary Electron Detector

  • IEC 63180:2020 Methods of measurement and declaration of the detection range of detectors - Passive infrared detectors for major and minor motion detection
  • IEC 60333:1993 Nuclear instrumentation; semiconductor charged-particle detectors; test procedures

Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, .Secondary Electron Detector

Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • GJB 5107-2004 Specifications for space high-energy electron detectors
  • GJB 5107A-2019 Specifications for space high-energy electron detectors

German Institute for Standardization, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • DIN IEC 62088:2002-09 Nuclear instrumentation - Photodiodes for scintillation detectors - Test procedures (IEC 62088:2001)
  • DIN 6800-1:1980 Procedures in dosimetry; principles of photon and electron dosimetry with probe-type detectors
  • DIN 6800-2:2020-08 Procedures of dosimetry with probe-type detectors for photon and electron radiation - Part 2: Ionization chamber dosimetry of high energy photon and electron radiation
  • DIN 6800-1:2016 Procedures of dosimetry with probe-type detectors for photon and electron radiation - Part 1: General
  • DIN 6801-1:2019-09 Procedures of dosimetry with probe-type detectors for proton and ion radiation - Part 1: Ionization chambers
  • DIN 6800-4:2000-12 Procedures of dosimetry with probe-type detectors for photon and electron radiation - Part 4: Film dosimetry
  • DIN 6800-1:2016-08 Procedures of dosimetry with probe-type detectors for photon and electron radiation - Part 1: General

中國氣象局, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • QX/T 609-2021 High-altitude meteorological observation L-band secondary wind sounding radar

PL-PKN, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • PN Z08002-07-1992 Gas detectors Detector tub? of sulphur dioxide for measurements in rang? 2 -H 40 mg/m3
  • PN-EN IEC 63180-2021-03 E Methods of measurement and declaration of the detection range of detectors -- Passive infrared detectors for major and minor motion detection (IEC 63180:2020)

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • T/SHPTA 035-2023 Experimental methods for testing secondary batteries and their key materials using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry
  • T/CAMS 186-2024 Test method for performance of 2D material photodetectors

Professional Standard - Energy, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • NB/T 20695-2023 Identification of external neutron detectors in nuclear power plants

CZ-CSN, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • CSN 36 7003-1985 Electronic equipment Secondary power supply systems Classification

IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • IEC 62088:2001 Nuclear Instrumentation - Photodiodes for Scintillation Detectors - Test Procedures (Edition 1.0)

ISA - International Society of Automation, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • ISA 60079-29-1-2013 Explosive Atmospheres – Part 29-1: Gas detectors – Performance requirements of detectors for flammable gases (12.13.01; Second Printing March 12@ 2014)

SCC, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • DIN 6801-1:2019 Procedures of dosimetry with probe-type detectors for proton and ion radiation - Part 1: Ionization chambers
  • DIN 6800-2:2020 Procedures of dosimetry with probe-type detectors for photon and electron radiation - Part 2: Ionization chamber dosimetry of high energy photon and electron radiation
  • IEC 60333:1983 Test procedures for semiconductor charged-particle detectors
  • FCI 99-1-2020 Standard for Performance Testing of Secondary Pressure Drainers
  • FCI 99-1-2014 Standard for Performance Testing of Secondary Pressure Drainers

British Standards Institution (BSI), .Secondary Electron Detector

  • BS EN IEC 63180:2020 Methods of measurement and declaration of the detection range of detectors. Passive infrared detectors for major and minor motion detection
  • BS G 174:1959 Invertors for secondary electrical supplies for aircraft

VDE - VDE Verlag GmbH@ Berlin@ Germany, .Secondary Electron Detector

GSO, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • OS GSO IEC 62088:2014 Nuclear instrumentation - Photodiodes for scintillation detectors - Test procedures
  • BH GSO IEC 62088:2016 Nuclear instrumentation - Photodiodes for scintillation detectors - Test procedures
  • OS GSO IEC 60333:2009 Nuclear instrumentation - Semiconductor charged-particle detectors - Test procedures
  • GSO IEC 60333:2009 Nuclear instrumentation - Semiconductor charged-particle detectors - Test procedures

未注明發布機構, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • DIN 6801-1 E:2016-06 Procedures of dosimetry with probe-type detectors for proton and ion radiation - Part 1: Ionization chambers
  • DIN 6800-1 E:2013-04 Procedures in dosimetry; principles of photon and electron dosimetry with probe-type detectors
  • AS 4625:2008(R2016) Electronic flame protection devices and flame detectors
  • DIN 6800-5:1980 Procedures of dosimetry with probe-type detectors for photon and electron radiation - Part 5: Thermoluminescence dosimetry

Professional Standard - Nuclear Industry, .Secondary Electron Detector

國家市場監督管理總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • GB/T 39722-2020 Superconducting electronic devices—Generic specification for sensors and detectors

National Metrological Technical Specifications of the People's Republic of China, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • JJF 2041-2023 Method for Transformer Secondary Loop Voltage Drop and Loads Field Testing

Standard Association of Australia (SAA), .Secondary Electron Detector

  • AS 4625:2008 Electronic flame protection devices and flame detectors

Hubei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • DB42/T 396-2006 Verification Criterion of Meter for Testing Load of Transformer Secondary Circuit

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), .Secondary Electron Detector

  • SAE J1627-2011 Performance Criteria for Electronic Refrigerant Leak detectors

IEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers@ Inc., .Secondary Electron Detector

  • IEEE 300-1988 Standard Test Procedures for Semiconductor Charged-Particle Detectors

RU-GOST R, .Secondary Electron Detector

  • GOST R 59606-2021 Optics and photonics. Photodetector devices of second and next-generations. Methods for photoelectric parameters measuring and determination of characteristics
  • GOST R 56872-2016 Natural gas. Determination of carbon dioxide by detector tubes

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), .Secondary Electron Detector

  • KS C IEC 61468-2021 Nuclear power plants-In-core instrumentation-Characteristics and test methods of self-powered neutron detectors

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